If the name of an output feature class already exists in the output geodatabase, and theAllow geoprocessing tools to overwrite existing datasetsoption is unchecked, a number will be appended to the end of the feature class name to make it unique (for example, rivers_1). If any of the in...
Click Run to run the tool and make a copy of the features in the layer. Copy multiple feature classes You can use the Feature Class To Geodatabase geoprocessing tool to export one or more feature classes from one geodatabase to another. Note: Be aware ...
FeatureClassToGeodatabase (フィーチャクラス → ジオデータベース変換) の例 (Python ウィンドウ) 次のPython ウィンドウ スクリプトは、イミディエイト モードでFeatureClassToGeodatabase関数を使用する方法を示しています。 importarcpyarcpy.env.workspace='C:/data'arcpy.FeatureClassTo...
ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToGeodatabase feaToGDB =newFeatureClassToGeodatabase(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor pGeoPro =newESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor(); feaToGDB.Input_Features = dlgOpenFileDlg.FileName; feaToGDB.Output_Geodatabase =@"C:\Users\xiniu\AppData\Roa...
ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToGeodatabase feaToGDB =newFeatureClassToGeodatabase(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor pGeoPro =newESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor(); feaToGDB.Input_Features = dlgOpenFileDlg.FileName; feaToGDB.Output_Geodatabase =@"C:\Users\xiniu\AppData\Roa...
There are no plans for future releases of ArcGIS Desktop, and it is recommended that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro. See Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for more information.You can use the Feature Class To Feature Class tool to convert a CAD feature class to a geodatabase feature class...
Using an arcpy script run from a toolbox, I want to import a feature class from a geodatabase into an ArcPro map and then symbolise that layer based on a lyrx file stored on disk. Here is a simplified version: import arcpy, os aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject('CURRENT') ...
In ArcGIS Pro, editing a feature class with versioned data returns the following error message:Error: Move failed: This data is currently locked by another user and cannot be saved.In ArcMap, editing
Adding a feature to a GeodatabaseFeatureTable in a stand-alone mobile geodatabase created with ArcGIS Pro is not supported when the table participates in a controller dataset, such as a utility network or parcel fabric. Use canAdd() to determine if this operation is allowed. Paramet...
delete the temporary File Geodatabase Here is an explanation of the script variables: username= ArcGIS Online username password= ArcGIS Online username password fc= path to feature class used to update feature service fsItemId= the item id of the ArcGIS Online feature service ...