1. 要素类 要素类(Feature Class) 同类空间要素的集合,如交通规划数据库中的道路、交叉口、交通小区等。要素类之间可以独立存在… baike.baidu.com|基于586个网页 2. 特征类 ...式, GeoDatabase 中每一个特征构成一个特征类(Feature Class),多个特征类构成一 个特征数据集(Feature Dataset)。
publicIFeatureClass getIFeatureClass(IWorkspace workspace,stringnameOfFeatureClass) {//castforthe feature workspace from the workspace IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace=(IFeatureWorkspace)workspace;//open the featureclassreturnfeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(nameOfFeatureClass); } 几个常用的成员 IClass.Add...
Feature class Azure 产品 体系结构 开发 了解Azure 故障排除 资源 门户免费帐户 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 版本 Azure Maps TypeScript azure-maps-control 概述 图谱 概述 AggregateExpression AnimationOptions AuthenticationManager AuthenticationOptions...
1.从shape文件获取FeatureClass 1///2///读取shape文件为FeatureClass3///4///Example: shape文件路径:C:\data\USA\States.shp5///shape文件的目录. 此处: "C:\data\USA"6///shape文件的名字,不包括后缀,后缀大家都知道是shp. 此处: "States"7///<returns>返回FeatureClass接口</returns>8///<remarks...
Generally, feature classes are thematic collections of points, lines, or polygons, but there are several feature class types. The first three are supported in databases and geodatabases. The last four are only supported in geodatabases. ...
Create a set of feature subclasses in a single feature class. Subtypes are often used to manage different behaviors on subsets of the same feature type. Domains Specify a list or range of valid values for feature class attributes. Domains help ensure the integrity of your data and are often ...
Feature Class Feature Class Feature Members Feature Methods Feature Properties FilterConstraintMatchType Enumeration FilterConstraintType Enumeration FilterStatus Enumeration FilterType Enumeration IDeviceCollectionTargetData Interface IDeviceTargetData Interface IFilter Interface IFilterConstraint Interface IFilterConstraint...
It is replaced by GeoDatabaseHelper.getFeatures(com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureClass, int[], boolean). int getFeatureType() The type of features in this feature class. IField getLengthField() The geometry length field. String getShapeFieldName() The name of the default sShape ...
网络类特征;类特性;课程特色 网络释义 1. 类特征 UML参考手册 中文 PDF 清晰版... ... class diagram( 类图) 154class feature(类特征) 154 class-in-state( 状态类) 155 ... www.jb51.net|基于18个网页 2. 类特性 UML参考手册(第2版) 1CD--图书目录--新书城 ... 85 class diagram( 类图) 86...
What's the status of this? Any updates? Vite is looking really great so far but the lack of first-class jest support is the only thing that's giving us pause on adopting it. I am interested in helping but I need a little bit of direction 👍 4 Member haoqunjiang commented Apr 29...