Rethinking Feature-based Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition-cvpr2023 paper: code: 没有代码,但方法简单,可以直接写 tl;nr: 模型的学习能力越强,特征空间...
On this basis, we proposed the knowledge distillation method based on attention and feature transfer (AFT-KD). First, we use transformation structures to transform intermediate features into attentional and feature block (AFB) that contain both inference process information and inference outcome ...
Improve Object Detection with Feature-based Knowledge Distillation: Towards Accurate and Efficient Detectors May 3, 2021 About Knowledge distillation, in which a student model is trained to mimic a teacher model, has been proved as an effective technique for model compression...
我们知道 bbox 的表示通常是 4 个数值,一种如 FCOS 中的点到上下左右四条边的距离(tblr),还有一种是 anchor-based 检测器中所用的偏移量,即 anchor box 到 GT box 的映射(encoded xywh)。 GFocalV1 针对 tblr 形式的 bbox 建模出了 bbox 分布,Offset-bin 则是针对 encoded xywh 形式建模出了 bbox...
KD mainly involves knowledge extraction and distillation strategies these two aspects. Beyond KD schemes, various KD algorithms are widely used in practical applications, such as multi-teacher KD, cross-modal KD, attention-based KD, data-free KD and adversarial KD. This paper provides a ...
In the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ship target detection task, the targets have a large aspect ratio and dense distribution, and they are arranged in arbitrary directions. The oriented bounding box-based detection methods can output accurate detection
Object-Detection-Knowledge-Distillation-ICLR2021 The official implementation of ICLR2021 paper "Improve Object Detection with Feature-based Knowledge Distillation: Towards Accurate and Efficient Detectors". Please refer to thesupplementary material in Openreviewfor the codes now. ...
距离度量,也就是feature-based的方法中使用的蒸馏loss,logits-based的方法中常用kl距离,features一般用l1和l2距离。 因为前面用了pre-relu,也就是教师的features用的是relu之前,有正有负的,正的是有益的信息,负的是无用的信息, 如果教师网络的特征值是正的,学生网络必须产生与教师网络相同的特征值。反之,如果教师...
We introduce a couple of training algorithms that transfer ensemble knowledge to the student at the feature map level. Among the feature-map-based distillation methods, using several non-linear transformations in parallel for transferring the knowledge of the multiple teacher{s} helps the student ...
结合预训练模型,该方法可以适用于图像检测(RPN特征),图像分割(dense feature),风格迁移等任务。 同时兼顾子网络和融合网络的性能,根据实际需要,选择子网络或者融合网络 Fusion Module 可以得到更为丰富的图像特征,从而提高整体性能。 子网络的选择限制低,可以选择多个相同或者不同的网络构成 ...