A Feature Article A Feature Article –Bullied bullying bully Nowadays in our society‚ many people suffering in different kinds of bullying‚ for example: Cyberbullying‚ Disability bullying‚ Gay bullying‚ School bullying‚ Sexual bullying or even Workplace bullying etc. No matter how ol...
A draft plan for a Feature Article | Example Journalism EssayWriting Feature Articles
Nature volume 608, pages 153–160 (2022)Cite this article 22k Accesses 24 Citations 202 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Memory formation involves binding of contextual features into a unitary representation1,2,3,4, whereas memory recall can occur using partial combinations of these contextual ...
If you have problem building with FFmpeg/libao (for example, Ubuntu older than 12.04), you can pass "CONFIG+=no_ffmpeg_player" to qmake in order to disable FFmpeg+libao internal audio player back end: qmake "CONFIG+=no_ffmpeg_player" If you have problem building with Qt5 Multimedia or...
Defining your terms is important for several reasons. First, to be chosen as the feature article example for Top Stories, your post needs to be thorough. You need to cover all aspects of the topic. Writing a blog post about a concept you don’t explain would be a serious omission. ...
HowtoWriteaProfileFeatureArticle How to Write a Profile Feature Article Adapted from The New York Times on the Web As a student journalist, your mission is to inform your peers. Your fellow students look to your work to help them understand the nuances of the environments they inhabit,and to...
The Importance of Students' Goals in Their Emotional Experience of Academic Failure: Investigating the Precursors and Consequences of Shame This article uses the emotion of shame as an example for exploring relations of students' goals and emotions. Using the framework of self-regulation and mo......
makes the point that features are different from academic work: “Features are actually very different from essays: they’re a lot more colourful and journalistic and much more engaging. My advice would be not to think too much along the lines of an essay, which can be some students’ downf...
Each browser did so in its own way, like, for example, the possibility to set transparency in CSS.Internet Explorer, before v.8, understood the following CSS:Firefox had its own attribute:As did Safari:Today, however, in CSS3, there is a unified way of setting the transparency of an ...
problem-solving aspect of my work. For example, trying to understand what users are thinking when they use Geniebook is one of the more interesting things to work on; figuring out their needs, how they fulfil them with our products, and what we can do to make this process easier for ...