错误信息表明,JSON解析器在解析JSON数据时遇到了一个非法的字符'/',它试图将这个字符解释为注释,但由于JSON解析器没有启用允许注释的功能('allow_comments' feature),因此抛出了异常。 检查JSON数据中的非法字符'/': 需要检查触发此错误的JSON数据。这个字符'/'通常出现在注释中,例如// 这是一个注释或/* 这是...
XNode node = XNodeParser.instance().parseFromVirtualPath(path); // ResourceDepends.traceResource(resource); if (!checkFeatureSwitch(node, new FeatureConditionEvaluator())) { node.clearBody(); node.clearAttrs(); } return node; return processNode(node); } public XNode loadActiveNodeFromResourc...
@cakooseFWIW, "script comments" are supported by Jackson 2.3 withJsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_YAML_COMMENTS. I added it for better inter-operability between YAML -- YAML, alas, chose that comment style instead of c/c++ comments. I think I am actually supportive of a single trailing comma (more...
# the files are not read by doxygen. EXTENSION_MAPPING = proto=C++ # If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments # according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable # documentation. See https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ for ...
Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture Provider— enabled for capturing remote traffic, with support for capturing from VMs that are managed by a Hyper-V-Switch. Also supports advanced filtering that includes packet direction, NDIS stack, and Hyper-V extension layer filters. ...
* Since JSON specification does not mention comments as legal * construct, * this is a non-standard feature. As such, feature is * disabled by default for parsers and must be * explicitly enabled. */ ALLOW_YAML_COMMENTS(false, JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_YAML_...
Data for any unselected data source will not display after you click Apply to exit the dialog. Apply— this command is enabled only after you have created a data source configuration, applied it, and then removed it with the Remove command. Enables the Remove command to toggle into the ...
Fix migration panic when Head.User is not exist (#7226)Only warn on errors in deleting LFS orphaned files during repo deletion (#7213)Fix duplicated file on pull request conflicted files (#7211)Allow colon between fixing word and issue (#7207)...
- Fix importer for GitHub comments on diff !4488 - Adjust the SAML control flow to allow LDAP identities to be added to an existing SAML user !4498 - Fix incremental trace upload API when using multi-byte UTF-8 chars in trace !4541 - Prevent unauthorized access for projects build tra...
comments Print reports of differences or save them as HTML or plain Filter display to only show differences, optionally with a few lines of context Built-in support for Object Pascal, C++, HTML, DFMs, and more Adds a "Compare" menu to the IDE's "Edit" menu and Project Manager, with ...