Special: All characters except for druids, monks, and wizards are automatically proficient with all simple weapons. They need not select this feat.Skill FocusChoose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill.Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If ...
There are over 40 of these perks in the game, each offering a particular boost to your character’s capabilities. However, since you can only choose a limited number for each party member, it’s always a good idea to consider which will be most useful for your playthrough. Our Baldur’s...
Fighter: Master of the Veil, Dual Wielder (if you want to use two weapons at the same time), Shield Master (for a defensive build), Sentinel, Savage Attacker; Cleric:Shield Master (Clerics often use a shield and a one-handed weapon - defensive set); ...
Beast Speaker Handle Animal 7 ranks, animal companion with effective druid level 7 Gain a magical beast as your animal companion Beast Speaker Mastery Beast Speaker, character level equal to or higher than that listed in your companion’s mastery entry Your magical beast companion improves in power...
Grappler was a much-maligned feat in 5E. I always had the somewhat hot take that taking Grappler was a good choice specifically for Moon druids that used forms with automatic grapple attacks. Those builds often struggled with accuracy, so easy advantage was valuable. The second half of the ...
The Nature Domain focuses on the natural world of plants and animals and has a lot of cross over with druids, but with the added bonus of heavy armor. Nature clerics even get to learn a druid cantrip at level one as well as gain proficiency in either Animal Handling, Nature, or Surviv...
Ability to modify Spell subschools (Archmage/Hierophant - IIRC there's also feats that make all your spells good/evil/law/chaotic etc. which would be neat to make) Ability to preserve spell casting while polymorphed (Natural Spell, the feat every Druid takes at 6) True Epic Spellcasting -...
You gain two cantrips and one level 1 spell from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list, and can replace them with another spell of the same level from the same list when you gain a level. You choose Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier for these spells when...
Fixed issue where certain domains (mostly for druids) did not allow to use non-domain spells if they had lower level than that on domain list (respec is required), Fixed missing druid scaling on 1st level Weather domain ability, Monks no longer gain their AC bonus if using shield and fi...
Modifying skills to be more like 4ed seems to be the opposite direction that Pathfinder was originally touted to be: a continuation of 3.5 for the previous Pathfinder series. Skills just didn't need to be changed this much. Certain spells and/or the Big 3 (Cleric, Druid, Wizard) need ...