Cross-server chat Talk to friends from any server! Customize your hud Easily customize your hud, move mods around and resize them to your liking! Mod manager and library Missing a mod built-in? Add your own Forge or Fabric mod directly into our launcher. Feather let's you easily manage ...
所以,这是我对Feather褒贬不定的原因,当然我很希望Feather能做到这方面的优化,但目前来说,我仍不知道这对一个PVP客户端来说是好是坏。 BTW,这对Hypixel Skyblock玩家是一个很大的福音,大部分Skyblock辅助mods都已成功在Feather客户端中成功运行,这也是Feather Client官方对外宣传的优势内容之一(见YouTube宣传片)。(...
A client integration mod for the FeatherMorph plugin 4,961 17 Utility Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.21.x 1.20.x 1.19.2–1.19.4 Platforms Fabric Quilt Supported environments Client-side Creators MATRIX-featherOwner Details Client integration for FeatherMorph ...
Code Issues Pull requests Alternatives to famous clients, mods, and modpacks. client fabric forge skyblock feather lunar alternatives labymod badlion Updated Sep 18, 2024 JuliaData / Feather.jl Star 109 Code Issues Pull requests Read and write feather files in pure Julia arrow julia feather...
@@ -24,4 +24,11 @@ public class ModConfigData implements ConfigData public boolean pre1_21_3_steer_vehicle_packets = TweakClient.DEFAULT_PRE_1_21_3_STEER_VEHICLE; public boolean dontSitOnMe = TweakClient.DEFAULT_DONT_SIT_ON_ME; public boolean lightenBoldTexts = false; public float light...
Client Integration | Wiki (WIP) | 中文介绍 Features Simple and easy to use Implemented disguise abilities and skills covering most of the vanilla features Change players' bounding box depending on their disguise ( !!!REQUIRES CLIENT INTEGRATION MOD!!! ) Enhance experiences with Client Integration ...
have an Arduino running the RadioHead library's RFM95 client example send messages that are received by your code: One thing to note in Python byte strings aren't exactly like text strings and you might not be able to do all the text processing (like find, replace, etc.) as y...
新用的PVP端,一直无法启动,内存都够的,也没有不兼容的mod,有没有大佬帮助一下? 编辑于 2022-05-14 22:23 PVP Minecraft启动器 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App 开通机构号 无障碍模式 验证码登录 密码登录 ...
Feather Client启动器是一款功能强大的我的世界启动器,可以对游戏的FPS有一个比价大的提升,提升玩家的游戏体验,让游戏画面看上去更加流畅。软件操作简单便捷,还支持自定义MOD,满足用户的各种我的世界启动器功能需求。 x 【软件特色】 1、可以自己加mod 开放性很强 ...
所以,这是我对Feather褒贬不定的原因,当然我很希望Feather能做到这方面的优化,但目前来说,我仍不知道这对一个PVP客户端来说是好是坏。 BTW,这对Hypixel Skyblock玩家是一个很大的福音,大部分Skyblock辅助mods都已成功在Feather客户端中成功运行,这也是Feather Client官方对外宣传的优势内容之一(见YouTube宣传片)。(...