Fearfully and wonderfully made – Matt Redman Chords by Jesper Sloth VERSE 1 Em7 C2 G Dsus B Em7 C2 G Dsus D C2 D C2 D C2 So fearfully and wonderfully made, How could they say there is no God? Reminded every breath that I take, It´s by Your hand I have been formed So what ...
Very first verse of today’s text tells us he’s a Pharisee … not exactly a term of endearment, right? Throughout all of the gospels, it’s the Pharisees and their strict, legalistic interpretation of Jewish Holy Scripture (First Testament Scripture) that dog Jesus and his disciples at ...
Psalm 139 says that God made all the delicate, inner parts of my body. He knit me together within my mother’s womb. I was made wonderfully complex...