that resonates with our Scripture reading this morning. Right off the bat: feels like a difficult passage because of one simple/not-so-simple word: angels –text: God didn’t put the world that is coming (the world we are talking about) under the angels’ [2]→ When you pair that ...
I can tell you this is so because I have experienced it in my own life. Time and time again, I have found myself in a place of unrest. I have sought the Lord through prayer, scripture, Bible studies of many kinds, and fellowship with believers who have experienced the same issues, a...
About 35 years later, after Mom lost her short battle with lung cancer, my younger sister and I had the task of cleaning out her apartment. The well-made dresser still stood tall even though some of the drawers now stuck. While the hand cream and hair spray bottles had changed, a few ...
Psalm 139 says that God made all the delicate, inner parts of my body. He knit me together within my mother’s womb. I was made wonderfully complex...
We were created intentionally by God, and our bodies are designed to be in balance.The earth provides the best natural tools to keep our bodies healthy and balanced. Many illnesses can be traced back to a lack of proper nutrition or an overload of man-made toxins. You can help your body...