A prequel to AMC's hit series, Fear the Walking Dead, follows new characters and explores the city of Los Angeles as the world transforms into the horrifying zombie apocalypse that changes the world forever. The first half of the series follows a found family that rebuilds who they are to...
How Long Was Rick Grimes In A Coma On The Walking Dead? 12/25/2024 by Ryan Scott Slash Film IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The new...
Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Launch Pad Feature Competition! December 8, 2021 Announcing the Top 10 Finalists of the 2021 Launch Pad Feature Competition! November 19, 2021 New On The Spec Market THUNDER: AN ELEPHANT’S JOURNEY November 19, 2024 ...
But there are other satisfactions to be had. Unlike "Walking Dead," which opened in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, not-so-fondly nicknamed "walkers," the new series' initial focus is on setting and characters as they exist before the crisis takes hold. The original series "is...
IT’S OFFICIAL! The walking dead companion show on AMC is called FEAR THE WALKING DEAD! Expect more news very soon!#FearTheWalkingDead — Robert Kirkman (@RobertKirkman)March 27, 2015 Related:The Walking Dead spin-off series will begin as a prequel ...
The eighth season ofFear the Walking Deadwill premiere in two six-episode parts, the first premiering May 14 at 9 p.m. on AMC and streaming on AMC+. The final six episodes will air later this year. For the latest news on TV renewals and cancelations, keep scrolling. ...
Fear the Walking Dead, and news that the series has already been renewed for a second season, AMC is has stoked the flames with a new teaser trailer. The 30-second trailer doesn’t show much – there are no people featured in it, nor even zombies. But what we do see is a city ...
What did the world look like as it was transforming into the horrifying apocalypse depicted in "The Walking Dead"? This spin-off set in Los Angeles, following new characters as they face the beginning of the end of the world, will answer that question. Fear the Walking Dead - watch online...
As we reported in our"Things to Know"piece,Fear the Walking Deadwill follow the members of a dysfunctional family for the four to five weeks that Rick Grimes was lying in a coma. In addition to this new batch of images,EWalso chatted up Kirkman to gain a bit more info on the principa...
Related:Fear The Walking Dead Rewrites The Rules in Walking Dead Universe With Its Series Finale Tracy breaks away and finds her father, who then leads ahorde of walkersto PADRE. However, along the way, his vehicle crashes and pins him inside, leaving Tracy to find help. She conveniently cr...