帕徳雷 里面的运营者 PADRE, the people that were running it, 我们把他们赶走了 we got rid of them. 我答应过那些孩子 I promised those kids. 我做搜捕者时 带到那里的孩子 Kids that I took there when I was a Collector, 我答应过他们 帮他们找到父母 I promised them Id help them find their...
After saving them after death, they learn that they are part of a larger group of kids, the children of the people who died of radiation sickness at a nearby camp. At the same time, Dylan and Luciana repair the truck stop's long-range antenna and contact Strand who informs them of ...
Previouslyon"FeartheWalkingDead"...E01《行尸之惧》前情提要 Wejustgotawayfromthecity.我们只是离开了市区 Weneedtogetawayfrompeople.我们需要远离人群 Whatdoyousuggest,Mr.Strand?你有什么建议斯特兰德先生 -Gowest.-What'swest?-往西走-西边有什么 ...
Fear the Walking Dead《行尸之惧》第八季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,帕徳雷就是个谎言 PADREs a lie. 别再躲在镜子后面了 No more hiding behind the mirror. 是时候说出真hearts;相hearts;了 Time to tell the truth. 翠西 -你这朋友是谁啊 Tracy! -Whos your frien
Fear the Walking Dead《行尸之惧》第八季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,这是艾莉西亚的 Belonged to Alicia. 我杀了她之后从她尸体上卸下来的 Took it off her corpse after I killed her. 你说你会带我们找到尸群 You said youd take us to the herd. 现在是时候你遵守
《行尸之惧第一季FeartheWalkingDead2015第1集》英中字幕 文档号:HLDOC20150906001创建时间:9/6/20156:20:40AM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档!(第3/23页) Leakfixed.漏水修好了 -Idon'tbelieveit.-Oh,yeah.-我才不信呢-真的 Really?真的吗 -Goodmorning.-Youfixedit?-早上好-你修好了吗 ...
We don’t have to wonder ifFear the Walking Deadwill be cancelled or renewed for a ninth season sinceAMChas already announced that season eight is the end. Could the show or surviving characters return someday? Stay tuned. A post-apocalyptic horror drama series, theFear the Walking DeadTV ...
The Fear the Walking Dead season five premiere was chock full of the same problems that bedevil the show. The characters act foolishly, pay a severe price, and trudge on gallantly, none the wiser. "Here to Help" has Morgan (Lennie James) leading the gang on on air rescue, only to ...
Our 'Fear the Walking Dead' Season 2, Episode 11, recap of 'Pablo & Jessica' details Alicia's Rick Grimes-worthy plan. Plus: a first kiss!
“Madison is a character whose husband died. And she’s been raising her kids on her own, so she’s a character that has experienced a very abrupt change to her life that she has had to adapt to. So there’s an inherent strength in this single mother that makes her in some ways un...