Alicia's Fear The Walking Dead season 7 arc is the closest AMC's zombie apocalypse franchise has ever come to adapting Rick Grimes' hand loss. Whereas previous TV show amputations glossed over the aftermath, Fear The Walking Dead is tackling those consequences head-on - the infection, the tr...
Alicia’s unexpected reunion with Cole inFear the Walking Deaddraws strong comparisons to what happened toThe Walking Dead’sRick in season 8. Early in the season, Rick was ambushed by Morales (Juan Pareja), who was a member of Rick’s original group that he traveled with all the way bac...
When “Fear the Walking Dead” rolled the credits on itsmidseason finaleback in May, the show’s dynamic was much different. Up to that point, “Fear” had been largely a family affair. Now the group has been split into three separated factions, each struggling to survive in...
艾丽西亚·克拉克 Alicia Clark S1出场 S8下线 麦迪逊之女。一系列事件结束后,未随团队去往“帕德雷”,最后与久别的母亲重逢一同回归故里。 生存状态——幸存 麦迪逊下线后的女一号…之后短暂下线由重装归来的麦迪逊接替… 丹尼尔·萨拉查 Daniel Salazar S1出场 S8谢幕 前暗影部队的特工,奥菲莉亚的父亲。女儿死后有些...
Fear the Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 7 Clip - Alicia Vs. Walker 0:40 Fear the Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 8 Sneak Peek - Promise Me 1:25 Fear the Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 8 Trailer 0:30 Fear the Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 6 Clip 1:24 Fear the Walking Dead...
Alicia Clark S1出场 S8下线 麦迪逊之女。一系列事件结束后,未随团队去往“帕德雷”,最后与久别的母亲重逢一同回归故里。 生存状态——幸存 麦迪逊下线后的女一号…之后短暂下线由重装归来的麦迪逊接替… 丹尼尔·萨拉查 Daniel Salazar S1出场 S8谢幕 前暗影部队的特工,奥菲莉亚的父亲。女儿死后有些精神失常。后与卢...