Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Thomas Hobbes: Fear of things invisible is the natural seed of that which everyone in himself calleth religion. Eric Hoffer It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable. Steve Irvin I have no ...
Don’t take it personally. Fear doesn’t hate you by name. Every writer in the history of man has experienced this. Don’t believe those who say otherwise. Fear can crush you anywhere in the process. When you first start writing…midway through your novel…when your short story just need...
Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies. Night will fall and the dark will rise when a good man goes to war. Demons run but count the cost; the battle's won but the child is lo...
“The Upside of Anxiety,” by Christina Caron (The New York Times,2022). Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive,by Marc Brackett (2019). “‘Primary’ and ‘Secondary’ Variants of Psychopathy in a Volunteer Sample Are Associ...
Quotes From The Cult of Trump: “Another way to control thoughts is through the use of loaded language, which, as Lifton pointed out, is purposely designed to invoke an emotional response. When I look at the list of thought-controlling techniques—reducing complex thoughts into clichés and pla...
We’re still the same today. There are never enough rules for some people. If it looks like you’ve mastered one set of man-made practices, they’ll invent another and another, each new doctrine further obscuring the actual Scriptures. And there are never enough lofty, useless theologies fo...
mortality) caused individuals to naturally become anxious and afraid of becoming infected with COVID-19.3,4 One of the characteristics of infectious diseases is fear, which is directly related to the rate of transmission and its medium (fast and invisible) as well as its complications and ...
So one day I was leaving church on Hollywood Boulevard, and they were playing thisInvisible Childrendocumentary, and I left bawling my eyes out, like, What else can I do to help people and change the world? And right then I saw this young couple holding up a sign, they were experiencing...
[The wind] is a great leveler! So is the Holy Spirit. He never sees a man high but He brings him down. He makes every high thought bow before the majesty of His might. … Now do not let this make you fear the Holy Spirit. It is a blessed thing to be rocked so as to have ...
During crises, journalists rely on emotional appeals to alert the public. This includes fear appeals, i.e., journalistic depictions of threats and measures against them. Focusing on the coronavirus crisis, this study analyzes the prevalence of fear appeals in journalistic news, differences between ...