The trilogy begins in Shadyside, 1994. In 1994, a group of teenagers discovers that the terrifying events that have haunted their town for generations may all be connected -- and that they may be the next targets. Based on R.L. Stine's best selling horror series, the trilogy follows...
Fear Street: 1994: Directed by Leigh Janiak. With Maya Hawke, Charlene Amoia, David Thompson, Noah Bain Garret. A circle of teenage friends accidentally encounter the ancient evil responsible for a series of brutal murders that have plagued their town fo
Fear Street: Prom Queen will transport fans back to the '80s in the new R.L. Stine thriller. ByAli Valle May 1, 2024 Netflix Horror Movie Fear Street: Prom Queen Reveals Ensemble Cast & Director Movie News The latest adaptation of R.L. Stine's Fear Street books has found its ensemble...
Fear Street Part 1: 1994is one of the biggest surprises of the summer. As someone who often has a hard time getting into the horror genre, Leigh Janiak’s 1st of three films based on R.L Stine’s series of the same name is a perfect combination of gore, frivolity, ...
Netflix's three-part film series based on R.L. Stine's famousFear Streetbooks have been met with acclaim from both critics and audience members. From the way it pays homage to slasher flicks of the past to the impressively done horror elements to the talented young cast, it has all seem...
‘Fear Street Part 1: 1994’ Review: Netflix Crosses ‘Stranger Things’ With R.L. Stine in Hokey Horror Trilogy Film 4 years Netflix’s ‘Fear Street’ Trilogy to Debut in July Over Three Consecutive Weeks Film 4 years Netflix Buys R.L. Stine’s ‘Fear Street’ Trilogy From Di...
Fear Street: Prom Queen, the continuation of the Fear Street film franchise that began with the release of the trilogy of Fear Street Part One: 1994, Fear Street Part Two: 1978, and Fear Street Part Three: 1666 on the Netflix streaming service back in the summer of 2021, made its way...
Fear Street Part 1: 1994premieres on Netflix on July 2. Fear Street Part 2: 1978follows on July 9. Fear Street Part 3: 1666wraps up the trilogy on July 16. They definitely don’t look like they are for little kids. (Stick to theGoosebumpsmovies for them.) ...
If you haven't watched them yet, beware spoilers in the video. Before you watch it,Fear Street Part 1: 1994,Fear Street Part 2: 1978, andFear Street Part 3: 1666are now streaming on Netflix. TopicsNetflix Shannon Connellan Shannon Connellan is Mashable's UK Editor based in London, form...
Netflix made the series into a weekly event, where a new entry was released each week. It started withFear Street Part 1: 1994on July 2, followed byFear Street Part Two: 1978, and ended withFear Street Part Three: 1666on July 16. While each installment takes place within a different ...