The first half of the series follows a found family that rebuilds who they are to adapt and survive the new world order. The second half follows Morgan Jones, a survivor from the original franchise who joins the original surviving cast members. latest Fear The Walking Dead Star Reflects On...
“Vince wanted to have this ultimate reveal”: The Greatest Breaking Bad Episode After Ozymandias Had to Respect Giancarlo Esposito’s Only Request 1/9/2025 by Nishanth A FandomWire AMC ‘Den Of Thieves 2: Pantera’ Delivering Lionsgate First No. 1 Win Since 2023’s ‘Hunger Games: Songbirds...
A prequel to AMC's hit series, Fear the Walking Dead, follows new characters and explores the city of Los Angeles as the world transforms into the horrifying zombie apocalypse that changes the world forever. The first half of the series follows a found family that rebuilds who they are to...
Morgan sets out with his daughter Mo (Zoey Merchant) to find Rick, which is the last viewers see of him. However, his current quest could indicate his possible involvement in theupcomingThe Ones Who Liveseriesset for release next year. The final half of the season kicked off with...
The Fear the Walking Dead season five premiere was chock full of the same problems that bedevil the show. The characters act foolishly, pay a severe price, and trudge on gallantly, none the wiser. "Here to Help" has Morgan (Lennie James) leading the gang on on air rescue, only to ...
A threat worse than Virginia is on the horizon; Morgan calls for unity and invites all survivors to his settlement, tasking Daniel to keep the peace; however, Daniel will need to face his own challenge in hopes of protecting his friends. ...
Clip 2:23 Fear The Walking Dead: Splitting The Bulle Clip 4:04 Fear The Walking Dead: The Perimeter Clip 0:57 Fear The Walking Dead: We Want To Help You Photos33 Add photo+ 29 Top cast20 EditLennie James Morgan Jones Alycia Debnam-Carey Alicia Clark Maggie Grace Althea Szewczyk-Przygo...
There’s never a ‘good’ scenario to be caught at gunpoint but getting caught while you’re on the toilet is especially bad not to mention embarrassing even in the end of times. Of course it all seems to work out for Morgan; he has supplies and even the possibility of a ride back ...
In the second half of Season 7, months have passed after the nuclear blast and the only one thriving is Victor Strand (Colman Domingo). Having built a fiefdom, he callously selects who will have a chance at life. The other members of the group have suffe
Fear the Walking Dead: Created by Dave Erickson, Robert Kirkman. With Colman Domingo, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Danay Garcia, Rubén Blades. A Walking Dead spinoff set in Los Angeles, California. Follows two families who must band together to survive the unde