Pteronophobia is the fear of feathers, feathered objects, or being tickled by feathers. The word “pteronophobia” comes from Greek “ftero” which means feathers and “phobos” meaning fear or deep aversion. 这种恐惧症害怕羽毛,有羽毛的物体或者是被羽毛挠痒。“pteronophobia”一词来自于表示羽毛...
aA high school student goes out to try and overcome his fear of spiders. He holds a tarantula is hopes that it will help. He also learns all about what fear really is. 一名高中学生出去尝试和克服对蜘蛛的他的恐惧。 他拿着一塔兰图拉毒蛛是它将帮助的希望。 他也学会所有关于什么恐惧真正地是...
- "Are you afraid of spiders?" (Are you afraid of spiders?)4. Comparison of Differences From the examples above, it can be observed that "fear" describes the feeling of fear as an emotion or state, while "afraid" is used more to describe a person's mental state. Additional...
"To be defined as a phobia, the fear must cause some level of impairment," says Wilson. "I had a woman come in who was afraid of spiders, and it got to the point where she wouldn't go out at night because she couldn't see where they were." How does someone get to the point ...
One synonym for anxiety that we frequently come across is unease, which conveys a similar sense of nervousness and worry. Is there a more sophisticated term for the feeling of being scared? A more sophisticated or formal term for being scared could be “intimidated,” which implies a reaction...
What is the real meaning of phobia? an intense, persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, situation, or personthat manifests in physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, or shortness of breath, and that motivates avoidance behavior. an aversion toward, di...
Examples of Common Fears: Spiders Death Failure War Terrorism Heights Violence The future Nuclear war Being alone Public speaking Pain Cancer Snakes Going to the dentist Most of the fears that we face as teenagers are carried into adulthood. Some studies have shown that humans may have a genetic...
In Spanish it is also common to express the idea of being a recipient of fear. (Me da susto las arañas.I am deathly afraid of spiders.¿Temetiómiedo la clase?Did the class scare you?)
In addition, many of the specific phobias are associated with fear of objects or situations that carry the potential for harm or death (e.g., flying, heights, animals, blood), with avoidance used to reduce the likelihood of feared outcomes (e.g., by avoiding flying, heights, spiders, dog...
MAUGHAN: I immediately thought of, like, a pit with, like, snakes and spiders. And then suddenly videos come up of your teachers telling you you’re not good enough or something. DUCKWORTH: Right. Yeah. So, Jeff goes on to say: “This resulted in my friend and I having a conversation...