The Fear of Missing Out: Also made possible by merch guy Sam he actually did pretty much everything.
The study also discovered a link between high frequency social media use and prolonged cell phone use and higher levels of rumination. This finding may be explained by people’s ongoing reflection, exacerbated by FOMO, on whether or not they are missing out on crucial information or activities ...
Felt a driblet of fear … like a glug of water backing up the momentarily opened drain and polluting the bath with a dead spider, three lice, a rat turd, and things he couldn’t stand to name or look at —Bernard Malamud Felt like a deer stepping out before the rifle of the hunter...
The higher the fear of missing out, the higher the addiction to social media, and vice versa. The contribution between fear of missing out (FoMO) and addiction to social media in early adolescents was 0.351 or 35.1% explained by the fear of missing out (FoMO) variable, while the remaining...
Within the framework of the I-PACE model, it could be hypothesized that the relationship between FoMO and daily-life outcomes (e.g., more distractions) could be explained by the indirect effects of SNUD symptoms. The tendency to experience FoMO could be viewed as a predisposing factor for de...
Currently, the use of social media can be done via a smartphone. However, in recent years the use of smartphones has created new problems, namely fear of missing out (FoMO) and problematic smartphone use (PSU) and was found to have a positive relationship between FoMO and PSU. Until now...
The relationship between fear of missing out and self-regulation can be explained through self- determination theory. Fear of missing out can be an indication of the problem of fulfilling the individual's basic psychological needs which include competence which is the individual's capacity to act ...
In the second block, all variables explained 36% of the variance in the scores obtained from the Facebook Intensity Scale. In the second step, the most powerful predictor of Facebook intensity was duration of Facebook use, followed by the fear of missing out, and smartphone addiction. This ...
linking desire thinking and fear of missing out in the social media context Annika Brandtner1* and Elisa Wegmann1 Abstract According to the Elaborated Intrusion Theory of Desire, desire thinking and an associated deficit are fundamental factors to the emergence of ...
FOMO (or the fear of missing out) has seemed to crash land into the center of everyone’s lives as of late. But actually, FOMO—or at least the essence behind it—has affected people long before you and I even existed. It’s in our biology. The psychology behind FOMO is explained mo...