Philophobia: The Fear of Love 恋爱恐惧症:爱的恐惧的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Philophobia: The Fear of Love Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Philophobia: The Fear of Love - Love is Hell. In this precision
This is the world's biggest collection of phobia words – almost 650 in total. Although most are rare, they have all appeared in print. Where a word is marked'syn. of'this indicates that it is a synonym of the following word. (In many cases this simply reflects spelling variations.) ...
Philophobia is the fear of being in love and falling in love, a fear that anyone could have. Opening this book gives you a peephole into the struggles of a woman named Amelia Wood, who is one of those people. Her poems weave through the topics of love, family, alcoholism, sadness, ...
astraphobia automysophobia References in classic literature ? Now ye shall know Fear, and when ye have found him ye shall know that he is your master, and the rest shall follow.' Then we of the jungle said, 'What is Fear?' And Tha said, 'Seek till ye find.' So we went up and ...
1. a nonspecific fear, a state of general anxiety.2. an abnormal fear of everything. Also panphobia, pantaphobia, pantophobia. — panophobe, n. — panophobic, adj. phobophobia 1. an abnormal fear of being af raid; a fear of fear itself.2. a fear of phobias. polyphobia an abnorma...
sarmassophobiaFear of love-play.[ID] SatanophobiaFear of Satan.[OED, ID, CE] scabiophobiaFear of scabies.[ID] scatophobiasyn. ofcoprophobia.[ID] scelerophobiaFear of bad men.[ID] sciaphobiasyn. ofsciophobia.[ID] sciophobiaFear of shadows.[ID, CE] ...
Davis, T. E., III., & Ollendick, T. H. (2005). Empirically supported treatments for specific phobia in children: Do efficacious treatments address the components of a phobic response?Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice,12(2), 144–160. ...
phobia bogey thing nounanxiety Synonyms anxiety concern worry doubt nerves distress suspicion willies creeps butterflies funk angst unease apprehension misgiving(s) nervousness agitation foreboding(s) uneasiness solicitude blue funk heebie-jeebies collywobbles ...
phobophobia fear the development of a specific phobia, based on their fears. For example, someone who is afraid of spiders might worry excessively about developing arachnophobia. Others, though, have a more general fear of developing a phobia for something they hate or even something they love....