46. ”Fear has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.”–Zig Ziglar 47. ”Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.”– Karl Augustus Menninger 48. ”Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the...
That has already been done. In every religion. Including, pace Goodman, Judaism. As we have seen in the treatment of Rem B. Edwards, Otto is commonly misunderstood as basically talking about mysticism. And in the previous quote we see Goodman introducing mysticism where Otto says nothing ...
“A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends” (Remarque 195). Remarque uses this quote to show how the ones in authority turn the soldiers under 544 Words 3 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Theme Of Fear In A ...
The show has plenty of visuals and style to match the plot, and also the hidden meanings of the story. It pays to pay attention and it’s rewarding to slowly discover more and more beneath the surface of this show. It’s nice to have something smart on the airwaves. ATLANTA The 3rd ...
ve mastered one set of man-made practices, they’ll invent another and another, each new doctrine further obscuring the actual Scriptures. And there are never enough lofty, useless theologies for others, forever lost in metaphors and hidden meanings, always learning something new that never seems...
By ‘fear,’ I thus refer to narrated phrases in the commonly spoken language Kinyarwanda,2 where to “be feared” (gutinywa) and “be fearful” (gingimiranya / ubwoba) hold similar contextual meanings and overlap with the same expressions in both English and French. In line with van ...
Land is not only a source of subsistence but also the place of their ancestors, an environment overflowing with meanings. Diana Riboli, whose research with the Batek has focused on shamanism and medicine, maintains "the forest represents a shamanic cosmos […] closely linked to the concept of ...
Faded sunlight on staggered mountains has always been one of my favorite sights, so the drive over the pass the following morning couldn't have been much more spectacular to me. I got out for a short hike at the top of the mountains and wondered if I was more Mongolian than most people...
Pryor published on January 14 was so precise it seemed an indirect quote from Kubrick himself:Stanley says he has figured out every camera angle and that after he finds the proper location “in some wooded area of southern California” shooting should run smoothly and be concluded in fifteen ...