Directly get the release, and apply the patch to fe6 clean rom, and use the generated gba rom as the baserom to do more hacks. // Recommanded definition for buildfile #define FreeSpace 0x00A00000 #define TextTable NewTextTable PUSH ORG 0x00800000 TextTable: POP Custom build <!> You nee...
Clean CLN Cleanliness CLN WORD ABBREVIATION Clearance CLR Clerk CLRK Client CLNT Climatic CLMT Closed CLSE Closing CLSE Cluster CLSTR Co-applicant CAPP Coarse CRS Coast CST Coastal CST Code CD Coded CD Coding CD Cohort CHRT Collateral CLTRL Collect COLL Collected COLL Collection COLL Collocated CLOC...