Fe3(PO4)2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由磷酸亚铁- Fe3(PO4)2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鐵Fe167.535 g/mol346.8659% 磷P61.9475 g/mol217.3291% 氧O127.9952 g/mol835.8051% 磷酸亚铁 元素 质量百分比鐵167.535g鐵167.535g氧127.995g氧127.995g磷61.9475g磷61.9475gFe3(PO4)2 原子#氧8氧8...
Fe3(PO4)2 摩尔质量Fe3(PO4)2 Oxidation Number 氯化氢 - HCl HCl 摩尔质量HCl Bond PolarityHCl Oxidation Number 产品 Fe3(Cl)2 HPO4 化学方程式配平 🛠️ 平衡方程式 ➜ 指令 若需平衡化学方程式,输入一个化学反应方程式,然后按平衡键。平衡方程将出现在上方。
Balance the reaction of Fe3(PO4)2 + AgNO3 = Fe(NO3)2 + Ag3(PO4) using this chemical equation balancer!
What is the naming convention for the oxyanions ClO-, ClO2-, ClO3- and ClO4-? How do I write the chemical formula for potassium sulfate? How many paired electrons are there in Boron? How do I write the name of Na3PO4? How many electrons are in the highest...
Give the correct formula and chemical name for the ionic compound: Ca2+ and PO43- What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula CsF? What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula Mg3N2? What is the name of the ionic compound with the formula...
Structure type : Na3MnPO4CO3 X-ray diffraction from single crystal No R value given in the ...
MN2+(MN3+, FE3+)(PO4)ONEW PHOSPHATE MINERALSTANEKITEGRANITIC PEGMATITESHELIKON II MINEKARIBIBNAMIBIAJoosteite, Mn 2+ (Mn 3+ , Fe 3+ )(PO 4 )O, is a new mineral species that was found in the granitic rare element pegmatite Helikon II, Karibib, Namibia. The new mineral is the Mn...
Zenzenite, Pb 3 (Fe (super 3+) , Mn (super 3+) ) 4 Mn (super 4+) 3 O 15 , a new mineral species from Langban, Filipstad, Sweden Kenngottite, Mn 3 2 + Fe 4 3 + (PO4)4(OH)6(H2O)2, is a new phosphate mineral from the Krasno ore district near Horni Slavkov, Cze...
. Chemical analyses recalculated free of impurities indicate a formula Na3(Fe0.63Mg0.17Mn0.06Na0.12)0.98(PO4)(CO3); bonshtedtite is thus the iron analogue of bradleyite. The name is in honour of the mineralogist E. M. Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya (1897-1974) . (From translation by M. ...
The preparation and structural characterization of three new iron phosphates with general formula Rb3M3Fe5(PO4)8 (M = Mn, Co, Ni) labeled: I, II and III respectively, are reported. Single crystals X-ray diffraction reveals that these compounds crystallize in an original structure, which...