Write the name and formula of the compound formed between {eq}Fe^{3+} {/eq} and {eq}Cl^- {/eq} ions. Ionic Compound: The ionic compound consists of a crystal-like solid designed by the neatly packed ions carrying opposite charges. The chemical bonds comprising of ...
Iron(III) NitriteFormula: Fe(NO2)3Molar Mass: 193.8615Fe(NO2)3 Molar Mass Converter Weight: Mole: Fe(NO2)3 Molar Mass Conversion in Batch Weight: Mole: Elem. Name Total AtomicMass MassFe Iron 1(10%) 55.85 55.85(28.809%)N Nitrogen 3(30%) 14.01 42.03(21.68%)O...
4) [Cu(NH_3)_4]^{2+}. Given the compound Co(NH3)4Cl2Br, what is the coordination number of the complex? What is the name for the following coordination compound or ion? Na_3[Cr (NH_3) NO_2 Cl_3] In the coor...
无机化学张天蓝)fe.ppt,* 铁超负荷是一种渐进性可危急生命的疾病,经常是频繁输血引起的并发症,过量的铁会损害肝脏,心脏和内分泌腺.铁螯合剂是唯一有效地治疗输血相关铁过负荷的方法 is the only drug available in US to treat iron overload * * Because of short half-li
{ "name": "Ptx", "lexer": "", "parser": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antlr/grammars-v4/master/asm\\ptx\\ptx-isa-2.1/Ptx.g4", "start": "prog", "example": [ "alignedTypes.compute_10.ptx", "alignedTypes.compute_20.ptx", "anot.ptx", "anot2.ptx", "anot3.ptx",...
甲公司与乙公司因合同纠纷向A市B区法院起诉,乙公司应诉。经开庭审理,法院判决甲公司胜诉。乙公司不服B区法院的一审判决,以双方签订了仲裁协议为由向A市中级法院提起上诉,要求据此撤销一审判决,驳回甲公司的起诉。A市中级法院应当如何处理?( )
in the organic compound p g p Substituent group prefix l -F Fluoro -Cl chloro Cl chloro -Br Bromosubstituent prefix-I Iodo NO2 Nitroprefix-NO2 Nitro -CH3 Methyl -C2H5 Ethyl -C3H7 Propyl 3 7 pyIt indicates the number of carbon atoms in the longest possible chain.N f b d No. of...
唐初以三省长官为,合议军国大事于政事堂,但又择他官参加议政,号为参知机务、参议得失等,也是。此时决定政事之权已不全由三省长官,其后又有以同中书门下三品、同中书门下平章事为名的他官参政。这表明( )A.唐朝三省议事已名存实亡B.新设官职逐渐融入三省六部C.权力进
分子式为C6H5NO2,分子量为123.11,结构式如Scheme 4. 表4 烟酸含量的测定Table 4 Measurement of contents of nicotinic acidBy Volumetric Analysis By NMR Volume of 0.1 mol/L NaOH(mL) Contents (%) Average (%) Samp.Peak Ax(δ=8.840) In.Stand.Peak As(δ=6.440) Contents (%) Average (%) V...