Trick or Defeat! Winter's Envoy Happy New Year! Love Abounds Hares at the Fair Bridal Bloom Summer's Arrival A Sketchy Summer Festival in Hoshido The Land's Bounty Gifts of Winter New Year's of Fire and Ice Hostile Springs Greil's Devoted Regal Rabbits A Season for Picnics Bridal Belongi...
This song is a remix of Justice RIP (Storm) from Fates.bgm_battle_FE12_01.ogg Prescience 先の先 Played during combat animations against boss units in Bound Hero Battles and Heroic Ordeals for heroes that appear in Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery....
The Universe's largest stars have even more dramatic fates, exploding as supernovas so bright they can outshine entire galaxies for weeks at a time. I found the history of astronomy and space exploration just as fascinating as the science itself. Ancient cultures like the Babylonians, Greeks,...