(ANT-1063592), the University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship, the Centre for Trace Element Analysis and the Ocean Systems Department of NIOZ. Samples were collected as part of the GEOTRACES Process Study (GPpr08) and data can be found in the GEOTRACES database as part of the 2021 Intermediate...
“The proposals from the prime minister and department for education mark a sea-change in government thinking on skills. “It will help address our skills deficit by boosting the accessibility of technical qualifications alongside the lifetime skills guarantee. It meets the needs of businesses in bu...
X P3 X Free Motion Headform X Ejection Mitigation Headform X Flex-PLI Regulated X Bodyblock-SAE J944A X In case the model you need is not listed, please contact CAE Department for our development and release schedule.Main Safety Anthropomorphic Test Devices Active Safety Test Systems Test...
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 113-8656, Tokyo, Japan Yue Sun, Tatsuhiro Yamada, Sunseng Pyon & Tsuyoshi Tamegai Contributions Y.S. performed most of the experiments and analyzed the data. T.Y. and S.P. contributed to the XRD measuremen...
Superoxide can oxidize Fe(II), but can also reduce Fe(III), especially if Fe(III) is in aqueous or ligand-bound form11. Many marine algae41 and a wide range of marine bacteria42 are capable of producing superoxide, suggesting marine superoxide cycling can occur independent of light. The ...
(hydr)oxides may not only involve organic coatings on mineral surfaces, but also form Fe-SOC co-precipitates in soil solutions containing large amounts of DOC and Fe(II) during the oxidation stage. For example, in temporarily waterlogged soils (e.g., paddy soils), where the molar C/Fe ...
Full size table Fig. 5 Ternary plot FeTiO3-MgTiO3-MnTiO3(Reynolds1983) showing the composition of different ilmenite types. The arrow shows the inferred evolutionary compositional trend form massive high-Mg ilmenite to disseminated low-Mg ilmenite types (cf. text for explanation) ...
form="short" suffix=" "/> <date-part name="year" form="long"/> </date> </if> <else-if type="bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture song thesis" match="any"> <date variable="issued"> <date-part name="year" form="long"/> </date> </else-if>...
Department of Chemistry ‘Ugo Schiff’, University of Florence & INSTM RU of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, 50019, Italy Luigi Malavolti, Valeria Lanzilotto, Matteo Mannini, Silviya Ninova, Federico Totti & Roberta Sessoli Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio...
Department of Physics, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191, China Jun Ye & Zi-Yu Chen Contributions Z.H.C., Q.W., W.H. and H.-L.L. planned the experiments. Q.W. and H.L.L. carried out the experiments. All the co-authors contributed to the analysis and discussion for the results...