quasiparticle effective massm*/mb, and Sommerfeld coefficientγ(as depicted alongzaxis) which are attributed to the electronic structure details (see the schematic DOS). In parentheses shown are the calculated spin-orbital-averaged values of (Γ,m*/mb,γ) taken atT = 100 K. The unit ...
A relationship between the energy gap ( E G ) and the density ( ρ ) over mean atomic weight (〈 A 〉) ratio for Fe-poor oxide and silicate minerals is derived from simple properties of their free atom-components. Theoretical considerations are based on the Lorentz electron theory of ...
Completion of the Mass-20 Isospin Quintet by Employing a Helium-Jet-Fed On-Line Mass Separator Observation of 尾-delayed protons from the decay of the mass-separated T/sub g/ = : 2 nuclide Mg (t/sub 1/2/ approx. 95 ms) establishes the mass excess of ... DM Moltz,?yst?, J.,MD...
This picture, valid for pure SmFeAsO, changes upon atomic substitutions (either in the FeAs or SmO layers), with the now reduced iron-moment value being reflected in a lowered and broadly distributed frequency of the main \mu SR peak. In addition, below the Sm ordering temperature, the ...
Product analysis by high-performance liquid chro- matography (HPLC) showed that MPS was converted into methyl phenyl sulfoxide (MPSO) in a nearly quantitative manner during the whole PEC process, which lasted two hours, wherein approxi- mately 86.6 ± 1.6% of MPS was oxidized (Fig. ...
3 cm from the sample and a liquid-N2-cooled Cu plate between the W tube and the sample limited the sample heating to approx. 1 °C/min. The sample was exposed to atomic hydrogen (1 × 10−6 mbar H2 backpressure) for 7 mins to achieve a complete H termination. Again, ...
A thin layer of TiO2 (approx. 52 nm) and TiO2–Fe0 (approx. 97 nm) nanoparticles have been immobilized successfully in the surface of the nanofibers through electrostatic attraction as illustrated in Scheme 2. Scheme 2 The effective immobilization of TiO2–Fe...
The decolorization of the Disperse Red 277 dye in an aqueous solution was assessed to determine the photocatalytic activity. The studies were conducted in visible light (light intensity approx. 2500–3000 Lumens) with ferrous–ferric oxide nanoparticles in the photocatalytic reactor. The reaction was ...
inner diameter of approx. 90 nm and outer diameter of approx. 170 nm are successfully obtained. Doping of Fe, S, and Fe-S via simple wet impregnation method substituted Ti and O sites with Fe and S, which leads to enhance the rate performance at high discharge C-rates. Discharge capaciti...
[Molar\ Mass\ (WCl_6) = 6 \times Atomic\ Mass\ (Cl) + Atomic\ Mass\ (W)] [Molar\ Mass\ (WCl_6) = 6 \times 35.45 + 183.84] [Molar\ Mass\ (WCl_6) \approx 407.54\ g/mol] 因此,六氯化钨的相对分子质量约为407.54克/摩尔。请注意,这是一个近似值,因为相对原子质量和分子质量可能会...