FD-TRTDNA逆转录反应从嗜热细菌FD3009中克隆并分离纯化得到的耐热逆转录酶(FD-TRT),逆转录反应在65℃高温下进行,可克服常温逆转录酶的许多缺点,以酵母核糖体rRNA为模板,以与255和18S rRNA匹配的寡聚脱氧核苷酸为引物,探明了FD-TRT的最适反应条件: 25mmol/L Tris-HCl(pH 8.5,25℃),25 mmol/L(NH4)2SO4,2...
The activity ratios of reverse transcriptase to DNA polymerase were 0. 056 and 0. 0045 for FD-TRT and Taq DNA polymerase respectively. 展开 关键词: thermostable reverse transcriptase reverse transcription at high temperature enzyme activity assay 被引量: 13 年份: 1998 ...
In this paper, by comparing three automatic homology modeling medhods and taking the crystal structure of Taq polymerase as model block, the authors adopt a combined method to build a tertiary structure model of FD-thermostable reverse transcriptase (FDTRT), which was constructed and expressed by ...
squeeze_layer.reshape_dims = tuple([0] * input.ndim) output._trt = squeeze_layer.get_output(0) else: output._trt = conv_layer.get_output(0) output._trt = layer.get_output(0) @tensorrt_converter('torch.div') 0 comments on commit 98669fd Please sign in to comment. Footer...
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5月14日 18:46播出节目《美味创意秀1》。曹湘尧发明的自动嵌糕机集擀皮、包馅为一体,干净卫生、快速省力。孔立军发明的自动无烟烤串机,在享受美味的同时,避免了油烟的产生。李炽昌发明的自动滚圆章鱼烧机,可以方便快速地制作出美味的章鱼小丸子。 ...
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维生素k2的作用_妙手医生 赵天豫 副主任医师 中日友好医院 三甲 发布时间: 2023年06月27日 维生素k2的作用 维生素K2具有凝血的功能,预防骨质松疏的疾病。 维生素K2主要生存于骨蛋白质,与钙共同形成的骨质,维生素K2具有凝血功能,预防骨质增粗的疾病发生,维生素K2还可... 妙手医生 ...
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