Geomtry:设置仿真区域大小; Mesh settings:设置网格类型、网格精度、亚网格处理(材料界面处理),推荐使用默认的自适应网格,精度使用默认2(初始使 用,如有需要再提高精度),材料界面处理选择默认0(注意:conformal variant 1通常只适合在低折射率对比的情况下使用,并不一定适合所有的金属材料);FDTD Solutions还提供mesh,在...
请问如何在FDTD solutions里设置负折射率材料?我在介质的material里输入负数后,系统会自动变成正的,谁...
But you may try zbf data format. If the mode profile is what you want with a correction of the amplitude, you can directly use a mode source for second simulation, and use transmission data to get normalized result. As you know, T=transmitted_power/source_power; each simulation has its ...
. Try increasing this to 18 and see if that improves your plot.Hope this helps,Marc ...
Optiwave’s FDTD software enables you to design, analyze, and test modern passive and nonlinear photonic components with ease. Try our software free for 30 days.
I have a weird case with my filters. I want to catch exceptions thrown from JCIFS Ntlm Http filter. Filter chain starts from my custom filter and I have surrounded chain.doFilter() part with try-catch... MongoError: Cannot use a session that has ended ...
Check the simulation's memory requirements. Try to run the example simulation 'mwp.fsp' from the Applications Gallery (Apps). September 1, 2021 at 4:55 pm chuanx Subscriber . Lito How do I check the simulations memory requirement?. September 1, 2021 at 4:55 pm chuanx Subscriber ...
可以对视图 精品文档 7 欢迎下载 Mr nnp E >4»ii 1-&11 j UbfilycTt 1HW1 trr E tf X Fersriective HILA JI I 3.添加平面光源。 在“ source ”下拉菜单中选择“ plane wave ”,如下图所示。 11 Eta Mar SfK&n^j E^&JfKan j j |dp CtjHM n. FTT>IJJMI * Na*«f 斗*妙■" ■...