importmeepasmpresolution=20# 分辨率cell_size = mp.Vector3(100) # 模拟区域大小pml_layers = [mp.PML(thickness=1)] # 吸收边界条件sources = [mp.Source(mp.ContinuousSource(frequency=1.0), component=mp.Ez, center=mp.Vector3(-47), size=mp.Vector3(0))]sim = mp.Simulation(cell_size=cell_si...
2、fdtd最好的开源代码 Meep. Developed at MIT, Meep is a highly efficient FDTD package, scriptable in Python, Scheme or callable from C++ APIs. It is parallelized with MPI, and it includes a library with support for a variety of material types. gprMax. Developed at the University of Edinbur... mkdocs.yml monkeytype.sqlite3 README GPL-2.0 license Meepis a free and open-source software package forelectromagneticssimulation via thefinite-difference time-domain(FDTD) method spanning a broad range of applications. ...
Implementation of this algorithm in new code requires understanding of 3D mathematics and may require several weeks of effort, whereas use of our sample code requires knowledge of MEEP and C++ and may take up to a few hours to prepare a model of interest for 3D FDTD simulation. In all ...
Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method spanning a broad range of applications. Key Features Free and open-source software under the GNU GPL. Complete scriptability via Python, Scheme, or C++ APIs. Simula...
Nanoantennas FDTD Simulation Hi everybody, I need to simulate a nanoantenna structure and I need to simulate with Meep. I'm looking for some u have any advice? Thanks
Open-Source Electromagnetic Simulation: FDTD, FEM, MoM 缘起“收敛性”——Maxwell方程与求解 ps:下面列一些计算电磁学有关的基础书籍和文章(很多书都有电子版,有兴趣的读者可以自行搜索) [1] 葛德彪, 电磁波时域有限差分法 第二版. [2] 金建铭,高等电磁场理论 (第2版). ...
Optical and Quantum ElectronicsD. Urbonas, M. Gabalis, and R. Petrukeviius, "Numerical simulation of microring resonator biosensor with FDTD algorithms based on GPU B-CALM and CPU Meep," Opt. Quant. Electron. 46(8), pp. 1021-1026, 2014....
Simulations were carried out using the open-source software MEEP via FDTD method for Ag nanospheres of sizes 50nm, 80nm and 100nm. Maximum forward scattering was observed with 80nm thickness of ITO DSL for all sizes of Ag nanospheres. Transmittance at ITO/c-Si interface and spatial distribution...
simulationfdtdpython-meepmetamaterialsphotonic-crystalstime-domainfrequency-domainelectromagnetism UpdatedSep 3, 2019 Python gregzanch/cram Star45 Code Issues Pull requests cram is a computational room acoustics module to simulate and explore various acoustic properties of a modeled space ...