The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is a 3D full-wave electromagnetic solver commonly used for modeling nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials. While in photonics FDTD has become the industry standard, the finite element method (FEM) and the method of moments (MoM) are the ...
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Ray LS,,Magdy FI,Octavio A,et al.Finite-difference time-doman(FDTD) simulation of microwave sintering in multimode cavities. MRS Symposium Proceeding . 1992R.L. Smith, M.F. Iskander, O. Andrade, and H. Kimrey, Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations of Microwave Sintering in Multimode ...
The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is a rigorous and powerful tool for modeling nano-scale optical devices. FDTD solves Maxwell’s equations directly without any physical approximation, and the maximum problem size is limited only by the ext
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Kane S. Yee first introduced the numerical analysis technique we call the finite-difference time-domain method in 1966. To this day, many still refer to this method as Yee's method. It did not officially receive the FDTD method designation until 1980....
FDTD(finite diference time domain)方法属于全波分析法,它是Yee在1966年所提出的数值方法“,其原理是将麦克斯韦方程式中两个微分形式的旋度方程式以中心差分式做离散化。求解过程由递推完成,尤其适合计算机编程实现。 3.1.1有限差分法 有限差分法是用变量离散的、含有有限个未知数的差分方程近似的代替连续变量的微分...
肯塔基州立大学 Stephen D. Gedney教授的 Introduction to the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD)...
FDTD(finitediferencetimedomain)方法属于全波分析法,它是Yee在1966年所提出的数值方法“,其原理是将麦克斯韦方程式中两个微分形式的旋度方程式以中心差分式做离散化。求解过程由递推完成,尤其适合计算机编程实现。 3.1.1有限差分法 有限差分法是用变量离散的、含有有限个未知数的差分方程近似的代替连续变量的微分方程...
FDTD(Finite-Difference Time-Domain)方法是一种数值求解电磁波传播问题的方法,它将Maxwell方程组离散化为差分方程,通过时间步进的方式求解电磁场的分布。FDTD方法在电磁波传播问题的数值模拟中得到了广泛应用,而Python作为一种高效的编程语言,也提供了FDTD API Python代码,使得使用FDTD方法进行电磁波传播问题的模拟变得更...
第四章光子晶体微腔教程 简介 The goal of the Getting Started Guide is to introduce the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique and explain how modeling is done with the software.The FDTD algorithm is useful for design and investigation in a wide variety of applications involving the ...