fdtd far field projections计算并绘制远场在对象树中选择监视器右键单击可视化偏.pdf,FDTD Solutions Far Field Projections Outline General concept Examples :Compare projection to simulation, 2D :Project 3D beam :Projection of periodic structures :Far field fi
55、y conditionsSetting the correct boundary conditions when beams are used 2009 Lumerical Solutions, Inc.Symmetric/Anti-Symmetric and Bloch boundary conditions Symmetry/Anti-Symmetry can even be used for periodic structures: Open the file farfield4.fsp 2009 Lumerical Solutions, Inc.Symmetric/Anti-Symm...
2: The distance of PML is good, in most cases except there is long-tail SPP or evanascent wave. You can use a profile monitor to check the field. 3: when simulating periodic structure, most likely it has higher order diffraction. Even though there is no higher order diffraction in the ...
(To find the resonant frequencies of the structure, we can take the Fourier transform of the field over time from a time monitor, however, for high Q devices, using a frequency domain monitor with end apodization is preferable since the fields do not decay fully by the end of the simulatio...