fdt_file=undefined fdt_high=0xffffffff findfdt=if test $fdt_file = undefined; then if test...= EVK && test $board_rev = 14X14; then setenv fdt_file imx6ull-14x14-evk.dtb; fi; if test $fdt_file...} = yes || test ${boot_fdt} = try; then if ${get_cmd} ${fdt_addr}...
fdt_file=undefined fdt_high=0xffffffff findfdt=if test $fdt_file = undefined; then if test...= EVK && test $board_rev = 14X14; then setenv fdt_file imx6ull-14x14-evk.dtb; fi; if test $fdt_file...} = yes || test ${boot_fdt} = try; then if ${get_cmd} ${fdt_addr}...
:image-fdt.c:194: undefined reference to `set_working_fdt_addr’发现set_working_fdt_addr是在fdt.c文件里,检查发现是没有被编译 siuhdwqiuhd 2019-09-18 05:45:11 浅析rk3399 u-boot修改开机logo以及开机动画和开机视频 board_fbt_preboot(); //fastboot.c 1. if (gd-》fdt_blob) { int...
undefined behaviour or crashes Invalid parameters * passedto libfdt may do the same. * * If an occurs when modifying the tree it may leave thetree in * an intermediate(but valid) state. As an adding a property * where there is insufficient space may resultin the property ...
hash@1 {undefined algo = "sha1"; }; }; 可以包括如下的关键字: description,描述,可以随便写; data,二进制文件的路径,格式为---/incbin/("path/to/data/file.bin"); type,二进制文件的类型,"kernel", "ramdisk", "flat_dt"等,具体可参考中[6]的介绍; arch...
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