FDR-AX700 Capture it the way you see it Designed for professional performance and ease of use, the FDR-AX700 captures every subject with the realism of 4K HDR (HLG)1 video, thanks to Fast Hybrid AF and other pro-class capabilities. View ProductPlay Video...
Capture striking 4K HDR images with the FDR-AX700 Handycam from Sony. Its Fast Hybrid AF system is perfect for capturing fantastic shots of fleeting action.
Capture striking 4K HDR images with the FDR-AX700 Handycam from Sony. Its Fast Hybrid AF system is perfect for capturing fantastic shots of fleeting action.
Capture striking 4K HDR images with the FDR-AX700 Handycam from Sony. Its Fast Hybrid AF system is perfect for capturing fantastic shots of fleeting action.
Capture striking 4K HDR images with the FDR-AX700 Handycam from Sony. Its Fast Hybrid AF system is perfect for capturing fantastic shots of fleeting action.
Capture striking 4K HDR images with the FDR-AX700 Handycam from Sony. Its Fast Hybrid AF system is perfect for capturing fantastic shots of fleeting action.
4K FDR-AX700 4K HDR Camcorder FDR-AX700 Buy Overview Specifications & Features Related Support Record exactly what you see as you like it Capture life just as you see it in true-to-life 4KHDR (HLG) images with 1.0 – type stacked Exmor RS™ CMOS image sensor. The unrivalled performance...
但对索尼这样一个公司来说,任何事情都没有不可能,因此,将4K HDR这个技术用到民用摄像机上也是早晚的事。作为索尼首款支持4K HDR视频录制的民用数码摄像机,FDR-AX700可以在拍摄时提供更广的色域和亮度范围,也就是说可以带来更多细节以接近更真实的影像。
这款具有HDR功能的索尼4K摄像机FDR-AX700可以在拍摄时提供更广的色域和灰度范围,带来更接近真实的影像。值得一提的是,FDR-AX700内置HLG(混合Log-Gamma )功能,此前曾应用于索尼FS5、Z150等专业手持式XDCAM摄像机产品线,此次由FDR-AX700将其首次带入民用级别的产品中。一改传统HDR需要后期编辑的复杂流程,无需...
索尼 FDR-AX700 4K高清录像机在色彩上也下了必然的工夫,供应的亮度局限和色域比以前加倍的辽阔,并且再也不需求举行HDR繁杂的后期编纂了,内置的HLG功效供应了疾速办理的计划,并且建造好以后能够在4K HDR电视机长举行播放,在HLG下的视频样片,色彩细节加倍详尽,明暗变更加倍彰着,这个功效真的是爱了。另外索尼 ...