the interactive guitar-learning app Yousician is an excellent way to do this. Yousician has teacher-crafted lessons to help you learn new chords at your own pace. It also gives you popular songs that are right for your skill level, helps you build skills with mini-game chord workouts, and...
摘要: F吉他减和弦English:F Diminished Guitar Chord又称为 Fdim, F°F减吉他和弦中的音符根音 : F小3和弦 : 降A三全音 : B F吉他减和弦 English:F Diminished Guitar Chord 又称为 Fdim, F° F减吉他和弦中的音符 根音: F 小3和弦 : 降A 三全音 : B 贬...
标签: acoustic chord guitar strummed ——— 类似的声音 ——— 木吉他2》和弦D by NoiseCollector 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 862.8 KB 705 kbps ... 描述:雅马哈原声乐器通过USB麦克风与笔记本电脑连接。用金属镐敲击和弦。文件名表示和弦。 Tag: 声学 和弦 吉他 弹奏 木吉他2 " 和弦D7 by Noi...
InversionsRelated chordsChord on other instrumentsHarmonized progressionsRelated scalesChord staffAdjust chord notes Fdim Inversions on pianoChords related to Fdim (enharmonic equivalents)Fdim on other instruments Guitar Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass ...
又称为 Fdim, F° English:F Diminished Ukulele Chord 用第一根手指覆盖从第一琴弦到第四琴弦在第十一品格上 你的第三根手指放在第四琴弦的第十三品格上 你的第四根手指放在第二琴弦的第十三品格上 F减尤克里里和弦中的音符 根音: F 小3和弦: 降A 三全音: B...