Bank customer? Explore consumer accounts Explore business accounts FDIC protectionThe Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, more commonly known as FDIC, provides depositors with insurance so they know their money is safe. The deposits must meet three criteria to be guaranteed by the government:...
美国联邦存款保险公司(英文:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,缩写:FDIC),是一个在大萧条时期由美国联邦政府创办、为商业银行储蓄客户提供存款保险的公司。目前为每一银行每一存款人普通账户最高保险额一般为 25 万美元,个人退休账户(Individual Retirement Account,简称 IRA)最高保险额为 25 万美元。
“FDIC insurance benefits U.S. banking customers (citizens and foreigners) by providing peace of mind and confidence that their deposits are protected up to $250,000 per depositor, [per account category], per insured bank,” Koontz says. “In the event of a bank failure, the FDIC steps in...
受美國FDIC保險保障 隱私權與安全性 加州消費者資訊收集通知 條款及條件 反洗錢 無障礙網頁 網站導覽
举例来说,若有存款人在一家获得FDIC担保的银行总共存款27万5000元,银行不幸走上硅谷银行(Silicon Valley Bank)的倒闭之路,其中25万元是有政府保险的。夫妻两人各自在同一家银行开户,各自拥有25万元FDIC担保上限,两人再合开一个联合帐户( joint account)联合帐户担保上限则有50万元,总计算来夫妻在同一家银行可有100...
FDIC insurance on bank account at same level as 22 years ago.(The Providence Journal)Downing, Neil
The FDIC provides separate insurance coverage for deposit accounts held in different categories of ownership. You may qualify for more than $250,000 in coverage at one insured bank if you own deposit accounts in different categories. Accounts ...
What is FDIC? What is covered by FDIC? What is not covered by FDIC? Do I need to apply for FDIC Insurance? Can I be covered for more than $250,000? What about my business account? Can my business qualify for additional insurance coverage? Where can I get more information?
If you’reopening a bank account, it’s important to understand what FDIC insurance is and what it covers. What is the history of FDIC insurance? TheBanking Act of 1933was passed in response to the bank failures of the Great Depression. In addition to other reforms, the act created the ...
fdic bank insurance英语阅读理解 FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that provides deposit insurance, which guarantees the safety of deposits in member banks up to a certain limit. FDIC was created in response to the Great ...