law reporter
Within five days of contacting a debtor, the debt collector must send a writtenvalidation noticethat includes:1 How much money the debtor owes The name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed Notice that they have 30 days to dispute the debt and what to do A tear-off portion to use ...
Okay to Use "of" Instead of "After" in a Validation Notice The article discusses a court case where the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit held that a collector did not have to cite the Fair Debt Collection ... - 《Consumer Credit & Truth in Lending Compliance Report》 被引...
In response to the Bureau’s findings, the debt collectors in question revised their debt validation policies, procedures and practices to comply with the FDCPA. Editors’ Note:It might be time to change policies and procedures, and also to inform creditor clients of this report, if the credito...
The Ninth Circuit Holds That Subsequent Debt Collectors Must Send FDCPA Validation-of-Debt NoticesGregory N. Blase
The attorney must prepare and send not only the Petition and Notice of Petition but also the additional FDCPA initial validation notice when suing a resident to recover the money owed. The FDCPA sets forth two different sets of requirements for what the notice must say, depending on whether an...
Rubin Lublin, LLC, wherein the plaintiff sued the law firm hired by the assignee-for-collection for making a mistake in naming the assignee-for-collection as the creditor instead of the lender in the validation notice sent by the law firm to the consumer. The U.S. Court of Appeals for ...
Third Circuit Holds That Consumers Are Not Required to Seek Validation of A Debt before Filing Suit under the FDCPASheehan, Christian