FDCAN_FILTER_RANGE_NO_EIDM (范围过滤,但是忽略 EIDM,该模式仅在扩展帧标识符模式下生效)滤波器...
< 精度屏蔽过滤,FilterID1 = filter, FilterID2 = mask*/#defineFDCAN_FILTER_MASK ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)/*!< 仅ID扩展模式支持此参数,范围从FilterID1 到 FilterID2, EIDM mask not applied*/#defineFDCAN_FILTER_RANGE_NO_EIDM ((uint32_t)0x00000003U) FilterConfig 用于设置过滤类型。 #defin...
}//sFilterConfig.IdType = FDCAN_EXTENDED_ID;//配置为过滤扩展帧//sFilterConfig.FilterIndex = 0;//过滤器的索引号//sFilterConfig.FilterType = FDCAN_FILTER_RANGE_NO_EIDM;//过滤方式为范围,即从FilterID1~FilterID2之间的值//sFilterConfig.FilterConfig = FDCAN_FILTER_TO_RXFIFO1;//sFilterConf...
Range Filter, Dual Filter, or Classic Bit Mask Filter can be configured. For details, see the Message RAM chapter in the architectureTRM. (8) To enable Tx buffers to assert an interrupt upon transmission, configure the Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable (TXBTIE) registe...
简化原理图,CLKIN 来自 MCU VBAT 10 µF 3k 10 nF 33 k VIN EN Voltage Regulator (e.g. TPSxxxx) VOUT 10 µF 100 nF 100 nF 330 nF 10 µF INH VIO VSUP FLTR VCCFLTR LDO(s) CNTL POR Under Voltage VINT VLVRX VIO TCAN4551 WAKE Filter VCC GPIO3 MCU OSC1 OSC2 20 MHz Reset ...
(open drain) 5 V regulated output Digital I/O voltage supply Internal regulator filter, requires external capacitor to ground Device reset External crystal oscillator output; when using single input clock to OSC1 this pin should be connected to ground (1) Note: DI = Digital Input; DO = ...
• Bus state times less than tWK_FILTER(MIN) are never detected as part of a WUP, and thus no BWRR is generated. • Bus state times between tWK_FILTER(MIN) and tWK_FILTER(MAX) may be detected as part of a WUP and a BWRR may be generated. • Bus state times more than tWK...
(open drain) 5 V regulated output Digital I/O voltage supply Internal regulator filter, requires external capacitor to ground Device reset External crystal oscillator output; when using single input clock to OSC1 this pin should be connected to ground (1) Note: DI = Digital Input; DO = ...