Weight loss drugs approved by the FDA since 2012 include:Zepbound (tirzepatide) Wegovy (semaglutide) Saxenda (liraglutide) Contrave (bupropion and naltrexone) Qsymia (phentermine and topiramate)The generic liraglutide option for Victoza was approved by the FDA on December 23, 2024. The generic is...
FDA Released Warnings on Weight Loss Drugs Compounded by Fullerton Wellness 2024年11月1日,FDA警告消费者不要服用由Fullerton Wellness公司生产的复方药物。该公司生产的药物包括用于减肥的糖尿病注射剂司美格鲁肽(semaglutide)和替尔泊肽(tirzepatide)。FDA在对位于Ontario, California的Fullerton Wellness设施进行...
FDA Released Warnings on Weight Loss DrugsCompounded by Fullerton Wellness 2024年11月1日,FDA警告消费者不要服用由Fullerton Wellness公司生产的复方药物。该公司生产的药物包括用于减肥的糖尿病注射剂司美格鲁肽(semaglutide)和替尔泊肽(tirzepatide)。FDA在对位于Ontario, California的Fullerton Wellness设施进行检查后...
Protocol Deviations for Clinical Investigations of Drugs, Biological Products, and Devices 2024年12月30日,FDA发布了一份题为《药物、生物制品和器械临床研究的方案偏离》的指南草案,本指南草案提供了详细的建议,以协助申办方、临床研究人员和机构审查委员会(IRBs)有效地定义、识别和报告临床研究中的方案偏离。FDA之...
How the CFOs of Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk are coping with ‘unprecedented demand’ for weight-loss drugs BY Sheryl Estrada May 3, 2024 Health Demand for weight-loss drug Zepbound is so strong that Eli Lilly is warning patients may leave pharmacies empty-handed BY Ike Swetlitz...
Federal regulators shook up the booming weight loss drug marketplace when they announced Mounjaro and Zepbound were no longer in shortage after nearly two years. Pharmacies that sold unbranded copies of those drugs are mounting a coordinated effort to reverse this decision, as another fight over ...
FDA set to review three weight loss drugs: ; Officials hope medicines have no harmful side effectsMATTHEW PERRONE
资料来源:1.Veru Submits IND Application to FDA for the Development of Enobosarm to Prevent Muscle Loss While Augmenting Fat Loss in Combination with GLP-1 Drugs for Weight Loss :: Veru Inc. (VERU) (verupharma.com) 发布于 2024-01-10 09:15・IP 属地浙江 ...
当地时间 1 月 11 日,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)公布了对胰高血糖素样肽-1 受体激动剂(GLP-1 RA)类药物,是否会导致患者自杀意念或行为的初步评估结论。 调查涵盖 FDA 已批准的 13 种 GLP-1 RA 类药物。公告指出,该类药物当前用于治疗 2 型糖尿病,或肥胖/超重患者减肥,初步评估并没有发现会导致自杀意念...