The FDA based its latest proposal on a recent studyof 1,600 gay and bisexual men. The FDA-funded research compared the effectiveness of a detailed, personalized questionnaire on sexual behavior to the current time-based abstinence rules. It will take several months for blood banks to make the ...
After decades of rejecting or discouraging men who have sex with men (MSM) from donating blood for fear of HIV transmission, the FDA issued final guidanceopens in a new tab or window on Thursday relaxing donor eligibility rules. Under the new recommendations, the FDA scrapped time-based deferra...
has released updated guidance for blood donation which relaxes the rules for donations from men who have sex with men (msm). this follows decades in which msm have been rejected or discouraged from donation blood due to a fear of hiv transmission. the new guidance has removed the time-based ...
For decades, many gay and bisexual men have been banned from donating blood. While the FDA has loosened restrictions, critics say the current rules still exclude far too many people. Len Ramirez reports. (6/21/23)Jun 22, 2023 embed code copied ...
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday relaxed blood donation rules for gay men in response to the "urgent and immediate need for blood" due to thecoronavirus pandemic. Men are now allowed to donate blood three months after having sex with another man, instead of after 12 months. ...
FDA changes rules to make blood donation more inclusive Ralph Galvan has been a volunteer with the American Red Cross for 10 years. But as a gay man, it wasn't until last year that he was able to donate blood. Rules the Food and Drug Administration had in place since the 1980s HIV...
period will be deferred. Those taking medications to treat or prevent HIV infection will also be deferred, butLGBTQ+ advocacy groupssay the new FDA rules are an important step in the right direction. The new blood donation risk assessment is the same for every donor regardless of h...
FDA May Tighten Blood Donation Rules; Possible Exposure to Mad Cow Disease in U.K., Europe CitedMarc Kaufman
Thirteen years after the lifetime ban was instituted, 1998 data from the Blood Donation Rules Opinion Study (BloodDROPS) showed that “the prevalence of HIV infection in male blood donors who reported that they were MSM was determined to be 0.25%, which is much lower than the estimated 11%...
Jamie and he boyfriend walked up to the donation site. They would love to donate blood, but since they're gay, they can't. Jamie would like to see the rules updated. "I love to give back," he said. "No matter what. I think everyone would have equal rights and be able to give ...