and hiring additional subject matter experts to manage critical projects,such as the assessments of the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances(PFAS)in cosmetic products,said the agency."The FDA continues to protect the health and well-being of millions of people,"said FDA Commissioner...
包括工厂设施注册、产品强制备案、不良事件记录与报告、提供安全性证明、良好生产规范、标签强制标识要求、强制召回权利、滑石粉产品检测要求、pfas评估要求、动物实验态度以及小型企业豁免政策等方面。 (一)工厂设施注册 所有在美销售化妆品的企业,其加工制造设施的所有者 / 经营者必须在 FDA进行工厂设施注册,注册信息每...
Understanding the regulatory landscape is crucial for companies operating in the U.S. cosmetic industry. This article provides an overview of the federal regulations, the role of the FDA, the definition of cosmetic products, and the recent changes brought about by the Modernization of Cosmetics Regu...
Addressing ESG Risks and Environmental Marketing Claims in the Beauty Industry Comprehending the Impact of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Recyclability Regulations on Manufacturing and Packaging Tackling Contaminants: Benzene, PFAS, and Asbestos Safety Concerns Managing Influencer Marketing and FTC ...
综合法案第3506节要求FDA评估全氟烷基和聚氟烷基物质(“PFAS”)在化妆品中的使用情况,以及其在化妆品中使用安全性的科学证据。FDA将自MoCRA颁布之日起三年内的公开报告中公布这一评估结果。 美国2022化妆品监管现代化法案 化妆品FDA注册的文档下载:PDFDOCTXT ...
Exporting Disinfectants to the US, What Should be Done Background As the epidemic continues, there is a shortage of disinfection supplies in many places around the world, such as the United States. In orde…
in seven samples, are not likely to be a health concern for young children or the general population. To date, FDA has not detected PFAS in over 97% (701 out of 718) of the fresh and processed foods tested from the TDS. The agency also provided more information related to PFAS in ...
Croda Beauty Actives Transition to PFAS-Free Peptides Many ingredients are already free from trifluoroacetic acid and more will be progressively added to this list in the upcoming months. By: Melissa Meisel Regulations FTC Takes Aim at Multilevel Marketers and Money-Making Opportunity Sellers Propose...
Contaminant Class Actions: What Every Defense Attorney for an FDA-Regulated Consumer Industry Needs to Know About PFAS, Heavy Metals, and Titanium Dioxide 3:15 Afternoon Break 3:30 Understanding How Prop 65 Activity is Influencing Class Actions Against FDA-Regulated Consumer Product Companies ...