20%或更多:表示该食品中某种营养素含量较高。 🍊健康声明(Health Claim):有些食品标签上会有关于健康的声明,FDA对此有严格的规定。 🍬食物过敏源声明(Allergen Labeling):美国法律要求标明常见的八大过敏原,包括牛奶、蛋、鱼、甲壳类贝类、树坚果、花生、小麦和大豆。这些过敏原必须在成分表中明确标注,或者通过单...
Need to mention a substance and a disease in a health claim; Similarity of the approach to the approach of the Federal Trade Commission on regulating advertising to ensure it is not deceptive or misleading; Consistency of the policies of the two consumer protection agencies....
“Bunge"和“Whole Harvest", 其中传统产品包括压榨豆油、非转基因豆油及有机豆油等。 该项获批的健康声称是“qualified health claim”直译成“合格健康声称”,翻译为“有限健康声称”更准确一些,即仅允许在特定范围内的,利用合理的语言来描述的健康声称,FDA批准的是十分具体的声称文本,如: “Supportive but not co...
Core Tip: The US Food and Drug Administration has responded to a petition submitted on behalf of Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. which requested authorisation of a health claim regarding the relationship between the consumption of cranberry products and the reduced r The US Food and Drug Administratio...
A structure/function claim describes the product's role in maintaining the 'structure or function of the body,' or 'general well-being.' Labeling rules are detailed. Depending on the ingredients, different rules come into play. For example, one of these rules provides that the 'principal ...
Health claims are authorized for the labeling of foods when there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts on the evidence for a relationship between a food or food component (substance) and a disease. Qualified health claims are permitted when there is less scientific evidence for...
首先我们先弄清几个概念:健康宣称(health claim)描述了一种成分与疾病或健康相关状况之间的关系。合格健康宣称(qualified health claim)有科学证据支持,但不符合授权健康宣称(authorized health claim)所需的更严格的“重大科学协议”标准。 FDA 在信中回复了代表达能北美公司提交的合格健康宣称请愿书,该请愿书要求 FDA...
Health claims are authorized for the labeling of foods when there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts on the evidence for a relationship between a food or food component (substance) and a disease. Qualified health claims are permitted when there is less scientific evidence for...
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Converting Units of Measure for Folate, Niacin, and Vitamins A, D, and E on the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels: Guidance for Industry Additional copies are available from: Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling Division of Nutrition Programs Staff, HFS-830 ...
The FDA has observed that these consumer and health care antiseptic products1 are intended to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-192 in people and their labeling include statements that falsely indicates that they are registered and approved by the FDA. Based on our review, these...