1.FDA食品设施注册(Food Facility Registration) 根据《FDA食品安全现代化法案》(FSMA),所有在美国境外生产或加工的食品,都需要由生产商进行FDA食品设施注册。这一过程适用于所有准备出口美国的食品,包括零售、餐饮及加工企业。 2.FDA食品标签要求(Food Labeling Requirements) ...
FDA Food Facility Registration: manufacturers, exporters, importers and distributors are required to register their facilities.
Food facilities outside the US must designate a US FDA Agent, located physically in the USA, serving as an additional communications link between FDA and the food facility. Some of the Foods that Require Food Facility Registration Food and food additives for man or animals ...
Detailed information on the US FDA food facility registration process, including examples of food categories that require registration and the necessary documentation, can be foundhere. In this article,CIRSGroup has summarized common issues encountered during registration, drawing from theGuidance for Indus...
FDA Food Facility Registration Requirements To register your food facility with the US FDA, you’ll need to provide information about your facility, the facility contact person and the activities it conducts. By providing accurate and up-to-date information, you help the FDA to quickly identify ...
申请FDA(美国食品药品监督管理局)批准或许可涉及不同类型的产品和程序。下面是一般情况下针对不同产品的FDA申请过程的概述: 食品和饮料:食品和饮料的FDA申请一般是提交食品注册表(Food Facility Registration),该表用于注册食品生产、加工、包装或储存设施。此外,某些特定食品还需要提交食品添加剂申请(Food Additive Petiti...
食品注册:食品企业可以通过食品注册表(Food Facility Registration)向FDA注册其生产、加工、包装或储存设施。注册成功后,企业将获得FDA颁发的注册证书。
registration, requesting an official FDAImports.com registration certificate, and more. While facility registration is an important part of manufacturing and distributing food products, there are other regulatory requirements for companies to follow as well. Visit ourfood and beverage pagefor more ...
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