该规定于2022年6月21日生效。合规日期为2022年10月17日。美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)官方原文内容: SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is revising the quality standard for bottled water to specify that bottled water to which fluoride is added by the manufacturer may not c...
该规定于2022年6月21日生效。合规日期为2022年10月17日。 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)官方原文内容: SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is revising the quality standard for bottled water to specify that bottled water to which fluoride is added by the manufacturer may not contai...
最终规则将于2022年6月19日生效,行业合规日期为2022年10月17日。 来源:https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-releases-final-rule-added-fluoride-levels-bottled-water 本文由以勒标准翻译整理,转载请注明出处!
FDA Issues New Recommendations on Fluoride Limits in Bottled WaterAsebey, Edgar
FDA defines bottled water as water that is intended for human consumption and that is sealed in bottles or other containers with no added ingredients except that it may contain safe and suitable antimicrobial agents and, within limitations, some added fluoride. Bottled water may be used as a ...