Any fears that COVID-19 could affect drug approvals should be put to rest by the 14 new drugs greenlighted by the'FDA in the first three months of 2021 (TABLE 1). This total beats the 12 approvals recorded this time last year and far exceeds the 7 approvals in Ql 2019.Oncology ...
A comprehensive list of the US FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER)'s new drug therapy approvals for 2021. CDER approved 50 new drugs in 2021, down from 53 in 2020, either as new molecular entities (NMEs) under New Drug Applications (NDAs), or as new therapeutic biologic...
[2] Mullard., (2022). 2021 FDA approvals. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, doi: [3] 2021's NDA list includes some extraordinary accomplishments in year #2 of the pandemic. Retrieved January 7, 2022, from
[2] Mullard., (2022). 2021 FDA approvals. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, doi: [3] 2021's NDA list includes some extraordinary accomplishments in year #2 of the pandemic. Retrieved January 7, 2022, from
CDER报告不但介绍了在2021年批准的创新药,而且对多项其它值得关注的批准进行了介绍。这一报告还汇报了对生物类似药的批准,可谓“干货满满”。 附:2021年FDA批准的新药列表,点击图片可观看大图 参考资料: [1] Advancing Health Through Innovation: New Drug Therapy Approva...
2021年第三季度,FDA共批准14款新药,包括7个新分子实体,5个新生物制品,1个细胞疗法,1个疫苗,生物制品有5种。 1.糖尿病肾病新药Kerendia (非奈利酮) 2021年7月9日,FDA批准拜耳公司Kerendia (非奈利酮)上市,用于降低合并慢性肾病(CKD)的2型糖尿病患者的肾小球滤过率(eGFR)的下降、终末期肾病、心血管死亡、非...
⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2021-12-30 19:28,精准药物:日前,FDA官方网站发布文章,总结了2021年FDA新药的批准情况。 今年共有49款创新药获批上市,获批数量处于历史较高水平。 2012-2021年美国FDA批准生物新药数量数据来源:药智数据突破局限,多款“first-in-class”
The drug gained approval under the FDA's animal rule. Approval was based on efficacy data in 2 lethal orthopoxvirus animal models of human smallpox disease, the rabbit pox model (New Zealand white rabbits infected with rabbit pox virus) and the mouse pox model (BALB/c mice infected with ec...
⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2021-12-30 11:12,生物探索:截至2021年12月22日,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)一共批准了49个新分子实体(指在美国从未作为药品批准或销售的活性成分)药物,该清单不包含疫苗、过敏原产品、血液制品、细胞和基因治疗产品和其他产品。 此前
December 2, 2021APPROVALS 2021, Cancer, Fast track, FDA 2021, orphan drug, Orphan Drug Status, Priority reviewComments: 0 It’s only fair to share… Pafolacianine OTL-38 Molecular FormulaC61H67N9O17S4 Average mass1326.495 Da 2-{(E)-2-[(3E)-2-(4-{2-[(4-{[(2-Amino-4-oxo-3...