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深圳市华盛科电子有限公司是⼀家成⽴于2017年12月12日的有限责任公司,属于以从事批发和零售业为主的企业。位于深圳市宝安区,法定代表人为唐明渊,目前处于存续状态。注册资本:100万元。通过企查查大数据分析,深圳市华盛科电子有限公司共行政许可2个。 2020-07-07 经营范围变更:从“电子元器件、电子产品、数码产品...
Saiqa written by Moomal Shunaid and directed by Asim Ali, is a drama seriel currently aired on Hum TV.A remake of Razia Butts famous novel by the same name which had also inspired the popular Shamim Ara-Mohammad Ali movie, SAIQA is purely a love story with all the Star Plus twists,...