It brings to mind the increasingly popular false narrative. Driven not by the “will of the people”, but by the agenda of one party. We’ve had the two party system for all of our lives here in America. It’s always been okay to disagree. The design of this great nation allowed fo...
Freunde & Social Media-Aktivitäten Barrierefreies Spielen Xbox-Systemupdates Meine Xbox Profil Wunschliste Entwickler Spiele Alles von Microsoft Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Sonderangebote Kleine Unternehmen Support Software Windows-Apps KI On...
这是导演张作骥早期作品《黑暗之光》的片头画面,文本内盲人家庭拍结婚照的场景与台前幕后的演职员表交替出现,宣示出此后张作骥独特的拍摄主题与风格。 在张作骥的作品中,我们始终无法忽略那些“黑”的部分,像是场与场之间频繁出现的黑场(black in/out),或者是角色从外部世界回家前必经的隧道与幽深的长廊……如果我们...