React Native 是一个用于构建原生移动应用的 JavaScript 框架。Push 通知是一种允许应用在后台或关闭状态下接收消息的技术。Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) 是 Google 提供的用于发送推送通知的服务。 相关优势 跨平台:React Native 允许你使用同一套代码库为 iOS 和 Android 平台构建应用。 集成简单:F...
如何在react-native中从firebase获取fcm token。); async function saveTokenToDatabase(token) { console.log(token)}TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 浏览1提问于2021-07-17得票数 0 3回答 在React-Native中获取FCM令牌 、、 在我的React-Native应用程序中,我必须使用firebase通知。所以我...
import FCM from 'react-native-fcm'; class App extends Component { componentDidMount() { FCM.requestPermissions(); // for iOS FCM.getFCMToken().then(token => { console.log(token) // store fcm token in your server }); this.notificationUnsubscribe = FCM.on('notification', (notif) => ...
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken { [RNCPushNotificationIOS didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken]; } // Required for the notification event. You must call the completion handler after handling the...
this.getToken(); } catch (error) { // User has rejected permissions console.log('permission rejected'); } } render() { return ( <View style={{flex: 1}}> <Text>Welcome to React Native!</Text> </View> ); } } view raw
Remote notification can't reach iOS emulator since it can't fetch APNS token. Use real device. I'm not getting notfication when app is in background Make sure you've uploaded APNS certificates to Firebase and test with Firebase's native example to make sure certs are correct ...
React Native 使用gcm推送有一个比较好的多平台推送服务OneSignal ,个人感觉很适合RN, 以下内容将介绍如何使用OneSignal来进行推送。 1、首先进入OneSignal 控制台,进入后点击Add a new app,如果不是登录状态会提示你登录, 我使用的是Google账号登录。登录后Add a new app如下: ...
Remote notification can't reach iOS emulator since it can't fetch APNS token. Use real device. I'm not getting notfication when app is in background Make sure you've uploaded APNS certificates to Firebase and test with Firebase's native example to make sure certs are correct ...
import {Platform} from 'react-native'; import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging'; useEffect(() => { requestPermission(); messaging() .getToken() .then(async token => { console.log('_token=>>>', token); if (token) { setDeviceToken(token); // update user realtime fdb...
curl--requestPOST\--url\--header'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_AUTH_KEY'\--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--data'{"message":{"to":{"user_id":"YOUR_USER_ID"},"content":{"title":"Hey there 👋","body":"Have a great day 😁"},"routing":{"meth...