1.1.2•Public• Published4 months ago FCM Notification TS Overview ts-fcm-notificationis a simple library to send push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) in Node.js. This library provides functionalities to send messages to individual tokens, multiple tokens, and topics. ...
A very minimal web push notification server using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Node (and Electron). Latest version: 1.6.6, last published: a year ago. Start using @miafoo/fcm-web-push in your project by running `npm i @miafoo/fcm-web-push`. There a
fcm-push A Node.JS simple interface to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS Installation Vianpm: $ npm install fcm-push Usage var FCM = require('fcm-push'); var serverKey = ''; var fcm = new FCM(serverKey); var message = { to: 'registration_token_or_topics_name_wit...
NodeJS tab OPTIONAL: Set default configurations, e.g. to enable notification sound Add the following code to your configure.swift after app.fcm.configuration = ... app.fcm.configuration?.apnsDefaultConfig = FCMApnsConfig(headers: [:], aps: FCMApnsApsObject(sound: "default")) app.fcm....
这与Nodejs网页推送通知错误有关。当我在我的Nodejs应用程序中使用web推送通知时,我得到以下错误: { Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND fcm.googleapis.com fcm.googleapis.com:443 at errnoException (dns.js:50:10) at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup 代码:'ENOTFOUN 浏览1提问于2019-01-29得票数 0 ...
PushNotifications.requestPermissions().then((permission)=>{if(permission.receive==='granted'){PushNotifications.register().then(result=>{this.subscribeToTopic(tenant.id);// Register for some topics here. Code removed.this.saveFCMToken();}).catch(err=>{console.log('Push register error');console...
target 'ReactPushNotifications' do # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks # use_frameworks! # Pods for ReactPushNotifications - Add these lines pod 'Firebase/Core' pod 'Firebase/Messaging' ...
Step 2: Configure Push Credentials in SalesIQ Open SalesIQ, navigate to Settings > Brands > Select the brand > Installation > Android > Configure push notifications and enable them. Then, click Browse and select the generated private key. ...
Local notification implementation is inspired by react-native-push-notification by zo0r I get the notifications in the logs, but the native prompt does not show up Did you remember to ask the user permissions? ;) await FCM.requestPermissions({ badge: false, sound: true, alert: true }) Send...
Install node.js. Install NativeScript - Open Command Prompt and type the following command.npm install -g nativescript Install Java 1.8 Install Android SDK (23 or later) Open system properties, then add ANDROID_HOME environment variable and set its value with Android SDK path c:\\Android\...