The machine guns would have covered all possible approaches to the tank.披坚自当执锐。除了坚固的装甲外,FCM F1拥有可怕的武备:她有两个炮塔,后部的主炮为90mmDCA火炮,前部另有一处补充火力的副炮塔,内有一门47mmSA37反坦克炮,此外该车周身还有6挺机枪以阻遏进犯的步兵。In practice, the FCM F1 was ...
and with the development of large tank already underway at FCM since 1916 with theFCM 1Aand then FCM 2C super-heavy tanks, what the French military lacked in his view was an intermediate vehicle between the dwarves and the giants. A “Char de Bataille” (battle tank) thought of as a ve...