On the homepage, click on the‘Current Recruitment’tab. A new page will appear. Candidates have to click on the‘Category I’link in order to apply for the Assistant General Manager post. After clicking on the ‘Category I’ link, a new page will be displayed on the screen. On the ne...
参考资料: https://techfundingnews.com/peter-thiel-backed-mercor-scores-100m-at-2b-valuation-to-reshape-recruitment-with-ai/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/ai-recruiting-startup-mercor-rockets-to-2-billion-valuation-9698dbdc 俄罗斯发射联盟-2.1b号运载火箭,执行国防部任务 极客怪咖 18小时前 20万元...