1、Linux源代码下载 下载源代码最好去官网下载,地址为:https://www.kernel.org/ 如果需要下载历史版本,点击网页上的https://www.kernel.org/pub/,然后选择Linux,kernel即可,比较简单。 2、配置Linux内核 把源代码拷到Linux电脑里,解压,这里我下载的是linux-4.11.tar.xz,解压输入 #tar xvJf ... ...
happen in response to an event. All events in the system will be in a priority queue. Here are the events in the system: PROCESS_SUBMITTED PROCESS_STARTS 1PROCESS_ENDS PROCESS_TIMESLICE_EXPIRES The program will consist of an event loop. Here's the basic idea: currentTime = getMinPrioirt...
CS201 Assignment Six: Simulation of Process Scheduling25% of course gradeDue dates:Part I: Monday, Nov. 26th, 11:59 pm: 15%Part II: Saturday, Dec. 1st, 11:59 pm: 5%Part III: Friday, Dec. 7th, 11:59 pm: 5%Create a simulation engine in the C language to model the behavior of a...